By now, it's no secret ValStyle began partly as a vessel, an outlet through which we'd productively channel a severe addiction to fashion and style, a way to live vicariously through our clients and customers' purchases -- in addition to a a desire to offer quality, stylish merchandise at refereshingly affordable prices. It's also no secret that running a start-up can be the greatest challenge of one's life. The need to be everywhere at once sucks the joy out of shopping and shifts the pleasure point to the process of passing a great find from our closet to yours.
Earlier this month, we faced the bittersweet experience of shipping one of our favorite pieces to enter the closet to date: Prada's Resort 08 One Shoulder Silk Dress. A true beauty. A timeless investment that will span decades to come. The perfect inaugural ball gown. Congrats to the lucky Floridian who scored this gem at a fraction of the retail price!